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View All Articles | April 30, 2001

Armored Vehicle Designed to Aid CERT

Categories: Blog News

Colorado, CO – Every emergency response team is structured a little differently. But there are still common needs and requirements for these types of specialized teams. One of those needs is to safely transport team members and their weapons into emergency situations. The Colorado Department of Corrections Special Operations
Response Team worked with Lenco Armored Vehicles of Pittsfield, Mass. To create a specialized vehicle that will help the team not only store its weapons securely, but also enter any situation with the protection of a ballistic vehicle.

‘The vehicle was designed to support the special operations response team. One of the problems we have is when they get a call out, we don’t know the weapons we might need or gas we might need to quell the situation. The vehicle is a rolling armory,’ said Jim Romanski, Special Operations Response Team Commander.

The Colorado DOC’s SORT is required to respond to situations in facilities across the state. With this new vehicle, called the C.U.B. – Correctional Use Ballistic vehicle, the team can transport 10 to 12 team members, plus weapons and equipment and plan their response strategy on the road.

‘It was designed with a command center in the vehicle with a desk that has the capabilities to plug in laptops and GPS systems. We can pull up facility blueprints and design a tactical plan on the way to the emergency prior to getting there,’ said Romanski.

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